What is Wellness?
Wellness is a category that’s always pinned to the very top of your home screen. It’s not a medical diagnosis, but it can help you see how well your body is coping with day-to-day stressors. Pay attention to the color of Wellness’s heart — it comes in green, yellow, or red, and also colors the background of your home screen.
If the heart is green, it means your wellness score is high — your body’s systems are holding up well, even if you’re a bit tired or feeling under the weather.
Yellow or red hearts mean that your wellness score is on the low end — your body’s systems are more vulnerable, and it’s best to avoid pushing past your limits.
What is my Wellness Score based on?
Your wellness score is based on heart rate variability — a reliable health marker used by physicians and scientists to assess health risks and track the body’s recovery.
Higher heart rate variability is typically better, but it’s a highly individual metric. That’s why our Wellness Score has two components — Today’s HRV and Average HRV.
What is Today’s HRV?
Here, we compare your heart rate variability from today to your baseline from the past 60 days (Today’s HRV) — this part of the score lets you see how well your body’s systems are holding up compared to your average wellbeing.
Numbers above your baseline, or within your norm, signal that your body’s systems are holding up well, or maybe even better than usual.
Numbers below your baseline signal that your body’s systems are more vulnerable than usual — you might be under a lot of stress, feeling under the weather, or just tired.
What is Average HRV?
Here, we compare your average heart rate variability from the past 60 days to population norms for your age and gender (Average HRV) — this gives you an idea of how resilient your systems are compared to people similar to you.
You can see where your numbers fall compared to population norms, but keep in mind that your HRV average is not a medical diagnosis. Higher numbers are typically better, but you can’t definitely conclude that you’re in perfect health if you have a comparatively high HRV — only a medical professional can tell you how healthy you are.
Why is my Wellness HRV different from what I see in Apple Health?
The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) metric we use is lnRMSSD. We chose to use this metric, instead of the standard SDNN, because it more accurately reflects the activity of your parasympathetic nervous system — the body’s protective mechanism responsible for efficient blood circulation and heart regulation. Higher numbers indicate the parasympathetic nervous system is actively working to protect your body.
What does a warning sign in my Wellness category mean?
A warning sign in your Wellness category means we’ve spotted a sharp and unusual decline in HRV in your last measurement. This can simply reflect that you’re experiencing a lot of stress, but pay attention if that’s not the case — you might be getting sick. Take care of yourself by getting plenty of rest.
How is Wellness different from Health in my HRV measurements?
Wellness is a way more holistic reflection of how well your body’s systems are coping.
Measurement Health is limited to just a single measurement at one point in time — it’s not a complete picture of your whole day.
Wellness takes into account and analyzes all of your measurements from today, comparing them to both your personal baseline and population averages — it’s a more holistic and comprehensive analysis.
What is Battery?
Battery reflects how much energy you have left to take on the day.
Your battery is recharged when you sleep at night — we calculate your morning charge level once you wake up. While you’re awake, everything you do impacts your charge level. Activities that raise your heart rate drain your battery, while relaxation practices that keep your heart rate low can replenish it.
How is my morning charge level calculated?
We calculate how charged your battery is every morning based on two factors — your sleep performance and ambient morning or daytime heart rate.
So essentially, your morning charge level shows how well-rested you are.
What is Sleep Balance?
Sleep Balance is how much sleep you got last night relative to your sleep need — the minimum amount of sleep your body needed.
The closer you are to meeting your sleep need, the more you recharge your battery.
We calculate your sleep need based on how much you moved during the day, along with your usual sleep time and sleep debt — the amount of sleep you “owe” your body from not getting enough rest on previous nights.
We grab your actual sleep time from Apple Health, but you can also enter it manually when you don’t wear your Apple Watch overnight.
What is Ambient HR: Daytime?
Ambient HR: Daytime is a reflection of how well-rested your body feels, so we take it into account when calculating your charge level.
Look out for outliers on this chart — numbers that are too far above or below your baseline indicate that you may be tired.
What impacts my Battery during the day?
Basically, everything you do impacts your Battery during the day. In fact, you can check out the impact of different activities on your battery.
The higher your heart rate, the faster your battery drains — so exercise or high-stress meetings will drain it quickly. Keeping at rest with a lower heart rate, on the other hand, can recharge your battery.
What is Sleep Guidance?
Sleep Guidance is here to help you get a good night’s rest and recharge your battery overnight.
Your optimal wind-down window is based on your usual sleep schedule — following it will help you take full advantage of your body’s natural melatonin levels, which start to rise near wind-down.
Your wake-up time is based on sleep need – how much sleep you need to get. We calculate it considering your usual sleep schedule, sleep debt, and how active you were throughout the day.
How is Battery different from Energy in my HRV measurements?
Battery is a more comprehensive overview of your energy levels — it takes into account your sleep, heart rate, and absolutely everything you do during the day.
Measurement Energy reflects the activity of your body’s recovery systems at a single point in time during the day. It’s important information to have but doesn’t take into account everything that happened to you and your body before you took the measurement.
What is Pressure?
Pressure is sedentary stress — cortisol-driven pressure on your body that’s harmful if left unchecked. We accumulate that stress when we worry, work under tight deadlines, etc.
You can manage pressure in two ways — getting rest to avoid accumulating more sedentary stress or exercising to counteract any stress you build up during the day. We’ve created a pressure gauge to help you do just that.
How does my pressure gauge work?
The pressure gauge assesses everything you do throughout the day to calculate the total amount of harmful sedentary stress on your body.
You want to keep your pressure gauge in the green. To avoid building up pressure, get more rest throughout the day. If you see your pressure gauge climbing toward the red zone, get some exercise to relieve it. If your pressure gauge remains in the green zone, it means you are not accumulating stress or have already balanced it with physical activity.
What is Pressure Guidance?
Pressure Guidance is here to help you keep your pressure gauge in the green — if you meet your exercise minimum and avoid maxing out sedentary stress, your pressure gauge will be in the green.
We calculate your Exercise and Sedentary stress volumes in MET (metabolic equivalent). MET is a measure of energy spent on a task. You accumulate 1 MET per minute when you sit calmly with a resting heart rate — so the higher your heart rate, the more MET you accumulate per minute.
What is Today’s Pressure Chart?
Check the Today’s Pressure chart to see how much pressure different activities put on your body throughout the day.
When you’re not exercising, higher heart rate correlates with higher Sedentary stress levels. Keep an eye on activities that put a lot of pressure on your body — it’s good to limit them to small doses throughout the day.
How is Pressure different from Stress in my HRV measurements?
Pressure is a more comprehensive overview of the toll all of today’s stressors take on your body — it takes into account absolutely everything you do.
Measurement Stress reflects the activity of your body’s stress response systems at a single point in time during the day. It’s important information to have but doesn’t take into account everything that happened to you and your body before you took the measurement.
How can medications affect the results you can see in the app?
Please be aware that if you are taking any medications that can affect your heart rate, the accuracy of our app's evaluation based on HRV readings may not be completely accurate. We advise consulting with your healthcare provider for a more tailored insight into how your medications could affect heart rate readings.
Is the Today Screen feature accessible to users on both iOS and Android platforms?
Currently, the Today Screen feature, which includes Wellness, Battery, and Pressure data, is exclusively available for users on the iOS platform and with Apple Watch connected to the app.