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Research paper
Mark avatar
Written by Mark
Updated over a year ago

Research paper is a message in your feed that includes personalized research about you. It shows how two data sets affect each other based on your individual health and wellness data from the sources you've connected to the app.

These insights explain how your lifestyle, habits, and well-being affect each other, helping you discover interesting correlations. For example, you may find out that physical activity affects your productivity. Or that you need less sleep when your heart rate variability is higher — because you recover faster.

It will help you work out smarter, become more efficient, and feel better every day.

Besides the analytical data, we'll also send you recommendations on how to use this information to change your day-to-day life — gradually and effortlessly.

Research paper messages and relevant recommendations are only available in Welltory Premium.

Deeper dive:

How do I get personalized research about me?

You'll see this message in your feed right after our algorithm finds a statistically significant correlation — we analyze your data in the background 24/7.

The message will look like the one below. To see all the information it contains, just swipe left.

To download the personalized research paper, tap Download full report below the chart. You'll get a PDF file with a detailed description, calculations, and results based on your data.

I've found out that I sleep better when my variability is higher. What now?

With each insight, we'll send you a selection of quick and easy-to-follow tips. They will help you feel better, form a habit or get rid of one, and make the most out of the research findings.

I received a correlation, and later I received another one that contradicts the first one. How could this be?

We analyze your data in the background 24/7 and take all the constant changes that happen to you into account. In this way, you're able to see the very current data about yourself.

Your lifestyle, habits, and well-being continuously change. That's why when we recalculate your data, a new correlation might appear, even if it contradicts the previous one.

If you receive such a correlation, focus on it. The new correlation displays the current, relevant data on how your body is doing right now.

What do the chart and all the numbers mean?

The chart shows how two related data flows change within a given period.

Pearson's R / Spearman's R are coefficients that show how strong the correlation is.

P-value is a measure of statistical significance. The statistical significance increases with the lower p-value. A correlation is considered statistically significant when the p-value is lower than the standard 0.05 threshold.

N is the number of days with sufficient data.

What are the calculations based on?

We analyze how two data flows change relative to each other and calculate Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients. Both are used to measure the degree of statistical interdependence between two variables.

These coefficients show how often changes in one data flow cause changes in another. The closer this value is to 1, the stronger the relationship is.

We calculate both coefficients because sometimes, only one of them shows a relationship between the variables. If both coefficients indicate a relationship, we'll show the one with a higher value.

How is personalized research different from the data charts?

The data charts also show when two data flows behave in a similar way. Yet sometimes, it may be a coincidence or pure logic. For example, if you work out more during a given day, your heart rate for this day will be higher.

Personalized research findings are never a coincidence. They show more than just two variables behaving similarly — they show a consistent, science-backed pattern. We use scientific formulas and calculate coefficients to demonstrate that there is a proven correlation between them.

With each insight, we explain the discovered correlation and how you can put this new knowledge into practice. You can also get a personalized research paper based on your data, where we explain how we found this correlation.

Does Welltory show all correlations the algorithm finds?

No. We only show statistically significant correlations with either Pearson or Spearman coefficient higher than 0.4.

I don't receive research paper messages. What do I do?

It can happen due to several reasons:

  1. You have a free version of Welltory, while this feature is only available in Welltory Premium.

  2. You don't have enough data sources connected. The more data you collect, the more correlations we can find and send you insights on. You can connect data sources in My Data (for iOS users) or Data (for Android users).

  3. You've just started collecting data. If you connected a data source only about a week ago, it'll take a couple of months for the algorithm to find correlations.

  4. In some cases, even if you've collected data for a few months, you might still not receive your personalized research paper. Don't worry — it probably just takes a little more time to find a statistically significant correlation based on your data. Connect more data sources: the more data you have, the better the chance to receive a research paper message.

Why do I receive a brief report without a detailed research?

If our algorithms find a statistically significant correlation while analyzing your data, we can send a brief research message in your feed.

In contrast to a full report with a detailed description, calculations, and a research paper, a brief report contains only a description of two data flows and a chart showing how these related data sets affect each other within a given period of time.

Such charts can help you discover interesting correlations in your data. For example, you may find out how reading news affects your stress level or whether your blood pressure depends on the time you spend working out or meditating.

The more data sources you connect to Welltory, the more insights about yourself you can get.

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